Bucharest - 29 aprilie 2013
The Romanian domestic delivery company took home Best Use Of Technology Award for its state of the art call center after competing with similar top companies from the telecom, banking, logistics and IT&C industries
The award comes as recognition of Cargus’ objective for delivering a customer focused product, with 0.5 million euros invested in IT infrastructure and latest telecom equipment in 2013
Cargus International, one of Romania’s top domestic delivery companies, was among the winners on the stage of the Customer Care Conference & Contact Center Awards 2013, the most important Eastern European event that addresses the customer care industry.
The Romanian domestic delivery company won Best Use Of Technology Award, an accolade that rewards the best integration of technology in a call center in order to meet customer requirements.
„The award reconfirms Cargus’s efforts and commitment to deliver the best solutions to meet various requirements of our partners. We are a company that wants to be the choice for our customers in the local courier market, and we understood that we have to build our strategy according to the market trend. With this in mind, we have invested half a million euros in the IT infrastructure and the latest telecom equipments. This will allow us to achieve market leadership in innovation and online communication: customers’ feedback, as well as providing information and placing orders are not gathered anymore only through traditional communication channels, phone and mail. Chat communication and social media will be more and more relevant to the companies, and we are offering it to our customers. Customers’ accessibility to our company is monitored in real time in order to be able to offer a very quick contact to our customers through any of the mentioned channels. ” – Anda Bucsan, Customer Service Director Cargus
Cargus, Romania’s first delivery company was recently acquired by Abris Capital Partners, a leading private equity fund focused on mid-market investment opportunities in the major countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
Cargus International SRL – Media Relations
Nadia Homoc, Commercial Director, Cargus
E-mail: nadia.homoc@cargus.ro
Tel: 021 9330
Graffiti Public Relations
Sergiu Petre, PR Specialist
E-mail: sergiu.petre@graffitipr.ro
Tel: 0722.191.189
Cargus International SA – Leading Romanian Domestic Delivery Company
Cargus International SA is the number 2 player in the Romanian domestic delivery market. It owns and operates the only countrywide network of hubs, warehouses and a delivery fleet of over 700 courier vehicles, employing some 900 employees and achieving sales exceeding EUR 20m in 2012.
Cuvinte cheie:
Cargus prize Best Use of Technology