Bucureşti - 08 aprilie 2011
Miercuri 20 aprilie 2011, orele 09.30 - 14.00, Bucuresti, Hotel Intercontinental, Sala Rapsodia
Fara indoiala, noile modificari ale legislatiei muncii reprezinta una dintre temele momentului, avand consecinte importante asupra modului in care relatiile de munca trebuie abordate.
Anticipand necesitatile clientilor si partenerilor nostri, Bulboaca & Asociatii organizeaza miercuri,
20 aprilie 2011, Hotel Intercontinental, sala Rapsodia, seminarul cu tema „Piata muncii in 2011. Efectele noului Cod al Muncii pentru angajati si angajatori”.
Evenimentul este destinat a facilita intelegerea efectelor noii legislatii a muncii, adresandu-se in special angajatorilor, respectiv directorilor generali sau de HR din companii romanesti si multinationale, avocatilor, juristilor, precum si tuturor reprezentantilor angajatorilor cu atributii in materie.
Ioana Motofei-Radu, avocat specializat in dreptul muncii, impreuna cu echipa departamentului de Dreptul Muncii din cadrul Bulboaca & Asociatii, vor prezenta modificarile aduse de noul Cod al Muncii, ce urmeaza a intra in vigoare la data de
1 mai 2011, respectiv impactul acestor modificari asupra activitatii curente a angajatorilor.
In plus fata de cele de mai sus, in cadrul seminarului vor fi discutate si analizate urmatoarele teme de interes practic: aplicabilitatea curenta a Contractului Colectiv de Munca Unic la Nivel National, modificarile preconizate/intervenite cu privire la completarea si transmiterea registrului de evidenta a salariatilor, atributiile curente ale organelor de control ale Inspectiei Muncii etc.
Invitata: Doamna Marilena BALABUTI, Sef Birou Legislatie - Contencios, Inspectoratul Teritorial de Munca Bucuresti
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Participarea este gratuita. Va rugam confirmati prezenta dumneavoastra pana la data de 18 aprilie 2011,
ora 15.00, la telefonul +40 21 408 89 12 sau pe email cristina.cazan@bulboaca.com.
Bulboaca & Asociatii organises “The Labour Market in 2011. The effects of the new Labour Code for employees and employers” Seminar
Wednesday April 20, 2011, 09.30 - 14.00, Bucharest, Intercontinental Hotel, Rapsodia Ballroom
Undoubtedly, the new amendments of the Romanian labour law are considered one of the hot topics of the moment with a major impact on employment relations.
Anticipating the needs of our clients and partners, Bulboaca & Asociatii organises on Wednesday,
April 20th, 2011, at Intercontinental Hotel, Rapsodia Ballroom, a seminar entitled "Labour Market in 2011.
The effects of the new Labour Code for employees and employers".
The event is meant to facilitate the understanding over the new labour law effects specifically addressing to employers, respectively to General or HR Managers of Romanian and multinational companies, lawyers, in-house counsellors and any other representatives of employers.
Ioana Motofei-Radu, attorney-at-law specialising in Labour and Employment practice, along with Bulboaca & Asociatii’s Labour Law Practice team, will present the amendments brought to the new Labour Code, which is to enter into force on May 1st 2011 and the impact of these changes to the day-to-day business.
In addition to the above, the seminar approaches the following topics of practical interest: the current applicability of the National Unique Collective Labour Agreement, the changes expected/occurred on the completion and transmission of the evidence registry of the employees, the current controlling attributions of the Labour Inspection Authority etc.
Guest: Mrs Marilena BALABUTI, Head of Legislation/Litigation Department - Bucharest Labour Inspectorate
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Please confirm your attendance, which is free of charge, by April 18th, 2011, 15.00 pm, at the latest
at telephone number +40 21 408 89 12 or at email cristina.cazan@bulboaca.com.
Cuvinte cheie:
Bulboaca seminar munca