NXP Cup 2023 Finals to take place in Bucharest, Romania on Thursday, May 11th

08 mai 2023, 01.01 - Afaceri   Social   Evenimente  

București - 08 mai 2023 -

The NXP Cup is EMEA’s pro-level autonomous model car competition. Students from Europe, Middle-East and Africa have been in the game for fast laps and great prizes to win!

What is it?

The student teams build, program and race a model car against each other, aiming for the fastest time and the most precise maneuvering. Just like an autonomous vehicle, the car will sense its environment, think and act by using a camera sensor that is integrated with the motor control system. Thus, the vehicles navigate autonomously and propel through the race course.

The autonomous car software created by participants runs on an entry kit provided by NXP, with components that are used in cars on the road today. With their embedded software programming skills and circuitry knowledge, the students are able to compete against each other in a fun race.

More details about the equipment and technologies are to be found here.

When and where does it take place?

This year, the NXP Cup Final competition takes place in Bucharest, Romania, on May 11th, at 13.00 local time. The venue hosting the event is Facultatea de Inginerie Industriala si Robotica.

Why should I join?

Witnessing passion for engineering and the young students’ that desire to win is stimulating and motivating in itself. NXP demos will be showcased and, apart from witnessing such a high-tech event, guests will be able to ask questions to NXP representatives about the company’s world-changing products.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on May 11th at 13.00 for the NXP Cup Finals!

About NXP Semiconductors

NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) brings together bright minds to create breakthrough technologies that make the connected world better, safer and more secure. As a world leader in secure connectivity solutions for embedded applications, NXP is pushing boundaries in the automotive, industrial & IoT, mobile, and communication infrastructure markets while delivering solutions that advance a more sustainable future. Built on more than 60 years of combined experience and expertise, the company has approximately 34.500 team members in more than 30 countries and posted revenue of $13.21 billion in 2022. Find out more at www.nxp.com.



Cuvinte cheie:  NXP Semiconductors  NXP Cup 2023 


NXP Cup 2023 Finals to take place in Bucharest, Romania on Thursday, May 11th
NXP Cup 2023 Finals to take place in Bucharest, Romania on Thursday, May 11th

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