23 iulie 2024

Gerhard Burits takes on new role at the ELATEC Group / RFID specialist ELATEC: New management duo with many years of experience

Ora 14.07 - Afaceri   Social  

v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);} Gerhard Bu...

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17 iulie 2024

Marc Cain expands its webshop to eight new countries

Ora 10.59 - Afaceri   Artă & Entertainment  


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16 iulie 2024

Europe needs Twisters campaign

Ora 11.03 - Afaceri   Artă & Entertainment  

Normal 0 ...

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05 iunie 2024

Young people's regard for the EU is greater than their propensity to vote

Ora 12.04 - Afaceri   Social  

Young Europeans largely take a positive view of the European Union. They are nevertheless less motivated than the older population groups to participate in the European Elections, according to a new "eupi...

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04 iunie 2024

Biesterfeld Group acquires Aerontec and expands its presence in Africa

Ora 11.53 - Afaceri   Social  

The Biesterfeld Group has acquired Aerontec, a leading South African supplier and distributor of advanced composite materials and related technology. The closing was completed today....

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28 mai 2024

CIVIS Media Prize 2024 | eight programmes honoured

Ora 10.39 - Afaceri   Social   Evenimente  

The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2024 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the social media format ...

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14 mai 2024

Cel mai recent capitol al jocului Escape Fake, „Probleme cu eLiza”, se ocupă de deepfakes și de dezinformarea din social media

Ora 10.33 - Afaceri   Social  

Într-o epocă marcată de dezinformarea digitală, cel mai nou capitol al jocului Escape Fake, „P...

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08 mai 2024

Speech to Europe (Eine Rede an Europa) by Omri Boehm

Ora 17.52 - Afaceri   Social  

On 7 May, the Wiener Festwochen and the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM Vienna) welcomed Israeli...

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European Elections: Higher turnout expected, von der Leyen better known than her predecessors

Ora 10.00 - Afaceri   Social  

60 percent of Europeans intend to cast their ballots in the European Electio...

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17 aprilie 2024

Elatec Brings Employee Badge for Apple Wallet to Users

Ora 10.12 - Afaceri   Social  

Elatec today announced it is bringing employee badge in Apple Wallet to its customers, enabling an organization’s employees or tenants to unlock access to locations and de...

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