The Rompetrol Group extends its activities in Western Europe

25 iulie 2013, 03.28 - Afaceri   Petrol  

Bucureşti - 25 iulie 2013 - The Rompetrol Group, through its France and Spain subsidiary - Dyneff, has recently opened 2 new filling stations (Rompetrol and Dyneff) and completed the development in partnership with Total Group of an oil terminal in Port la Nouvelle (Mediterranean Sea). The total investments have reached over 50 million USD.

“Part of the Rompetrol Group since 2006, Dyneff continues the entrepreneurial tradition of the company to create and provide its customers with innovative products and services and also to be among the main actors in the fuel distribution segment in Southern France and a strategic partner for hypermarket chains. Through its assets in France and Spain, the company ensures the required framework for the development of KazMunayGas (the sole shareholder of the Rompetrol Group) in Western Europe, thus supporting the KMG objective to become one of the top 30 oil companies of the world”, declared Cătălin Dumitru, General Director of Dyneff France and Spain.

The new filling stations represent two different concepts: Rompetrol premium station, which is part of the distribution network located on highways and Dyneff branded station which is specific to urban areas.

The premium Rompetrol station is located at the border between France and Spain, on the most important traffic route of the area (around 35,000 vehicles/day), with a total investment of more than USD 8 million. The station concept is based on the sustainable development model of the company, with energy-saving and environment-protection facilities (alternative power sources with solar panels and wind turbines, water recycling).

Furthermore, the station brings a new approach to customer relations by setting up special family parking lots, safe pedestrian access and children playing grounds.

The Dyneff urban station is placed airside of Montpellier Airport, on the most important entry route in the Languedoc – Roussillon region of Southern France. In addition to the strategic position, the station also holds the first Brioche Dorée franchise in urban distribution chain, as well as the first Boutique du Soleil store implemented in own stations.

Another feature of the station is the first place in E85-Superthanol sales, a biofuel composed of up to 85% ethanol and 15% petrol 95. This fuel has a positive impact in the mitigation of greenhouse gases and global warming.

Dyneff is currently the third E85 distributor on the French market, reaching a 12% market share at the end of 2012, with 13 filling stations ready for the distribution of E-85.

Regarding the oil terminal in Port la Nouvelle (Mediterranean Sea), its technical structure allows the import, storage and distribution of all types of fuels and bio components.

The works have been aimed at the upgrade and extension of the existing facilities owned by the two companies, resulting in one of the most up-to-date and technologically advanced oil terminal, which serves both ships between 7,500 and 35,000 tons, and tanker trucks.

This partnership is based on the accomplishments and capabilities of the two companies to increase sales volumes while maintaining efficient operational and logistical costs. The total investment value is of approximately 41 million USD, the project being extended in the coming years.

Dyneff is the largest company in the Roussillon region and one of the most important companies of Southern France. Each year, the company delivers approximately 2.3 million cubic meters of oil products through the three major distribution channels of France and Spain: retail (115 stations), small and medium distribution (9 sales agencies) and trading and wholesale. The company owns two terminals in Port la Nouvelle and is shareholder of the terminals in Marseille and Lyon. Apart from its presence in Southern France, Dyneff is a major trader on the French and Spanish markets, operating major capacities of import, storage and distribution in ports such as Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Bordeaux and Le Havre.

The Rompetrol Group is entirely owned by the state-owned oil and gas Company of Kazakhstan ­– KazMunayGas, being represented in 12 countries and with most of its assets and operations in France, Romania, Spain and South-East Europe. Rompetrol is involved in refining, marketing and trading activities, but also in exploration and production, oil services, EPCM, transport, etc. Rompetrol aims to become one of the most important integrated oil companies in Europe and in the Black Sea and Mediterranean regions. The Group’s turnover amounted to USD 10.8 billion in 2012.

Communication and Public Relations Department

The Rompetrol Group


Cuvinte cheie:  Rompetrol  extends  Western Europe 

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