Popovici Nitu & Asociatii, distinguished for its counseling in Intellectual Property

30 aprilie 2012, 08.48 - Afaceri   Justiţie   Avocatură  

Bucharest - 30 aprilie 2012 - Popovici Nitu & Asociatii was distinguished for its counseling in Intellectual Property in 2011, at the 1st edition of Intellectual Property Gala, organized by Finmedia, with the support of the Romanian National Chamber of Industrial Property Attorneys and the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks, on April 25th, 2012.

Popovici Nitu & Asociatii advised, among others, (i) Romanian Tennis Federation in relation with the action initiated by Tiriac Group regarding the cancelation of the registration of the trademark “OPEN ROMANIA”, owned by the Federation, (ii) SIVECO Romania in relation with the opposition against to a trademark similar to 26 trademarks registered by SIVECO, (iii) Primagaz in relation with the licensing of “Primagaz” trademark from Primagaz France to Primagaz Romania, as well as in relation with the registration of two national combined trademarks, and (iv) Asseco SEE, Immofinanz, Lidl and Property Fund in relation with the registration of their trademarks in Romania and/or abroad.

"This award is the recognition of our work during 2011, in many interesting and innovative IP projects. I thank both to my colleagues in the intellectual property and in the litigation department for the support, and I am especially grateful to our clients for the opportunities offered and for the confidence they had in our advice," said Cristian Popescu, Managing Associate.

Popovici Niţu & Asociaţii is a leading Romanian independent law firm and has been at the forefront of the market since its incorporation in 1995, acting primarily in private transactions where it generally represents the interests of investors. Popovici Niţu & Asociaţii and Popovici Niţu & Asociaţii Tax SRL group more than 85 lawyers and tax advisors.

For more information about Popovici Niţu & Asociaţii please visit www.pnpartners.ro

239 Calea Dorobanti, 6th Executive Floor Bucharest, 1st District, Postal Code 010567 Romania
Telephone: (0040) 21 317 79 19
Fax: (0040) 21 317 85 00 / 317 75 05
RO 15168518


Cuvinte cheie:  public  statement  Popovici Nitu 

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