SUPERLIT ROMANIA in partnership with Minister of Environment and Forests and with European Small Hydropower Association have organized in Bucharest, between 27 – 28 of February , the 1st edition of the European Hydropower Summit.

28 februarie 2012, 05.10 - Social   Energie   Evenimente   Mediu  

Bucureşti - 28 februarie 2012 -

300participants,, representing 167 companies from 21 countries  (the majority EU members) have discussed about the advantages of the hydro energy, business opportunities, as well as the European models of good practice in the field of the built of Hydropower plants, in order to protect the environment.

At the opening of the debates, Mr.Laszlo Borbely the Ministry of Environment and Forests, has highlighted that the hydro energetic Romanian potential is approx of 5900 MW, being able to increase up to 8000 MW, if we also consider the Danube. “Of the 8000 MW, the Romanian potential regarding the Hydro power rises up to 1100 MW, from which there are functioning only 300MW” has underlined the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Forests.

Mr.Laszlo Borbely has added that the investors must have the information necessary for developing the projects in Romania:” I am optimistic regarding the investments in renewable energies. It is an important moment concerning the Romanian legislation. The coming investors, and they are not few, must have precise information about what is happening in this area and the others – solar, biomass, eolian. Legislation is in order, it is knows about how many certificates receives each of the one who is investing. Romania offers the most advantages.  Accessing some European founds from the Ministry of Economy rises up to 150 billion euro, allocated to this area, on competitiveness component. The Ministry of Environment, through the Environment Found, is assigning founds for these investments”

The General Manager of SUPERLIT Romania, Bogdan Nitu, has presented the company which he is leading and has underlined the idea the Summit project has been developed from the passion for hydro energy, saying that in the following years, similar events will take place in other countries.


For further information:

Cuvinte cheie:  SUPERLIT  minister  Hydropower Summit 

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