Allevo si Bakken & Bæck au finalizat proiectul Whizzer

29 noiembrie 2021, 10.21 - Afaceri   Social   Tehnologie  

București - 29 noiembrie 2021 -

Allevo, cu sprijinul granturilor acordate de Islanda, Liechtenstein si Norvegia prin mecanismele financiare SEE și Norvegian 2014-2021, în cadrul Programului "Creșterea IMM-urilor din România", a finalizat luni, 29 noiembrie 2021, proiectul Whizzer, conform contractului de finantare 2018/115906.

Proiectul a fost implementat in Bucuresti si a avut o valoare totala de EUR 738.375, din care asistenta financiara nerambursabila EUR 420.000. Prin proiectul Whizzer a fost dezvoltata o aplicatie software distribuita in regim open source, construita pentru IMM-uri in scopul de a le facilita accesul la operatiuni financiare oferite ca serviciu. Grupul tinta este alcatuit din IMM-uri si banci din Romania si alte tari Europene.

Aplicatia dezvoltata prin proiect include o componenta care asigura o analiza detaliata a datelor procesate, facilitand operatiuni de reconciliere intre facturi emise sau receptionate si plati sau incasari. Aceasta componenta, care are la baza tehnologie de inteligenta artificiala, este proiectata si dezvoltata de compania Bakken & Bæck AS, o companie cu capabilitati AI avansate. Parteneriatul dintre Allevo si Bakken & Bæck AS este sustinut de relatiile bilaterale dintre Norvegia si Romania, promovate prin programul de finantare. Parteneriatul a ajutat Allevo sa beneficieze de expertiza complementara a Bakken & Bæck, pentru a construi o solutie finala relevanta industriei financiare.

Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului sunt:

1.    O solutie software cu licenta open source (GPL v3) dezvoltata de Allevo, care ofera operatiuni financiare as a service catre IMM-uri, pentru a le ajuta sa automatizeze si sa centralizeze fluxurile financiare uzuale, la cost redus: balanta, plati salariale, facturi, cashflow, accounts payable and receivable, raportare lichiditate;

2.    Pozitii full-time permanente create: 4 pozitii care includ: 1 analist, 1 dezvoltator, 1 tester, 1 inginer de sistem;

3.    O crestere estimata a cifrei de afaceri de 28% pana in 2023, raportat la 2018;

4.    O crestere estimata a profitului de 66% pana in 2023, raportat la 2018.

Proiectul a avut la baza ideea cresterii ratei de incluziune financiara, adresand ecosistemul format din banci, prestatori de servicii financiare si IMM-uri din Europa. Accentul cade pe IMM-uri, din punct de vedere al armonizarii si comunicarii printr-o infrastructura de open banking cu un design revolutionar.

Astfel, proiectul Whizzer a creat o unealta prietenoasa de raportare financiara destinata acelor IMM-uri care se confrunta cu un volum suficient de mare de operatiuni pentru a avea nevoie de o aplicatie care sa adune datele in acelasi loc, dar care in acelasi timp nu isi permit investitia in software vandut de marii furnizori de tehnologie din lume.

Proiectul a fost promovat inca din timpul implementarii, asigurand astfel o diseminare timpurie a rezultatelor catre institutiile care pot oferi suport in popularizarea si adoptarea aplicatiei de cat mai multe IMM-uri. Aceste institutii, banci, corporatii sau universitati, au fost alese pentru a starni in paralel si interesul pentru dezvoltarea suplimentara a aplicatiei, dupa finalizarea proiectului.

Codul sursa este publicat in Github si este accesibil prin intermediul portalului, iar documentatia aferenta este disponibila direct in portalul Aceste elemente de diseminare sunt accesibile si pornind de la website-ul Allevo:

In plus, proiectul a fost diseminat intr-un numar larg de publicatii si evenimente de specialitate, conform planului de comunicare si diseminare al proiectului. O parte din seria de evenimente din anul 2021 a fost facilitata de asociatii si clustere IT precum: Magurele Science Park, Asociatia Trezorierilor din Romania, Transilvania IT Cluster.

Allevo este acum in cautarea unui partener care sa gazduiasca aplicatia si sa o ofere mai departe ca serviciu IMM-urilor.

Finantat cu sprijinul granturilor acordate de Islanda, Liechtenstein si Norvegia prin mecanismele financiare SEE si Norvegian 2014-2021, in cadrul Programului "Cresterea IMM-urilor din Romania", operat de Innovation Norway.

Contact Allevo

Nume:    Ioana Guiman

Funcție:     Managing Partner

Adresă:    Calea Vitan 23C, etaj 3, 031281

București, România


Contact Bakken & Bæck

Nume:    Codruta Gamulea Berg

Funcție:     Business Development Lead

Adresă:    Trondheimsveien 135

0570 Oslo, Norway


Despre Allevo

SC Business Information Systems (Allevo) SRL este o companie furnizoare de soluții software care sprijină instituțiile financiare de toate tipurile și dimensiunile să reducă costul total al investiției și să atingă interoperabilitate de-a lungul întregului lanț de distribuție.

Despre Bakken & Bæck

Bakken & Bæck este un studio de dezvoltare de produse digitale ambitios, cu prezenta in Oslo, Bonn si Amsterdam. Facem parteneriate cu fondatori si companii pentru a crea produse digitale si proiecte noi. Ajutam marile companii sa se comporte ca un startup mic, si oferim expertiza de care au nevoie startup-urile pentru a lansa si a-si scala business-ul.

Allevo, with the support of a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, in the frame of the Program “SMEs Growth Romania”, successfully finalized the Whizzer project, as per the 2018/115906 contract, on November 29th 2021.

The project was implemented in Bucharest, with a total value of EUR 738.375, out of which EUR 420.000 non-refundable grant. As part of the Whizzer project, an open source software solution was developed, which offers financial operations as a service to SMEs, to help them automate and centralize common financial flows, at a very low cost: balance sheet, salary payments, invoicing, money flow automation, accounts payable and receivable, cash reporting. The target group includes banks, financial service providers and SMEs across Europe, with focus on SMEs.

The project includes an artificial intelligence component that ensures a detailed analysis of processed data, which facilitates the reconciliation of sent or received invoices with payments or collections. This component is designed and developed by Bakken & Bæck AS, a company with advanced AI capability. This partnership is possible through the bilateral relationships between Norway and Romania, promoted by the financing program. The partnership helped Allevo to benefit from the complementary skillset of the partner’s team, to build a relevant solution for the financial industry.

The outcomes are:

1.    An open source software solution license (GPL v3) developed by the promoter that offers financial operations as a service to SMEs, to help them automate and centralize common financial flows, at a very low cost: balance sheet, salary payments, invoicing, money flow automation, accounts payable and receivable, cash reporting;

2.    Permanent full-time jobs created: 4 positions covering: 1 analyst, 1 developer, 1 tester, 1 deployment engineer;

3.    An estimated growth in turnover of 28% by 2023 compared to 2018;

4.    An estimated growth in profit of 66% by 2023 compared to 2018.

The project started from the need to increase the rate of financial inclusion, by addressing the ecosystem (banks, financial service providers and SMEs across Europe), with focus on SMEs, in terms of technical harmonization and communication on top of a well-built open banking layer.

The Whizzer project created a user friendly financial reporting tool for those SMEs who run a large enough volume of operations to require an application to aggregate data, but which cannot afford the investment in software sold by big global providers.

The project was promoted even while it was ongoing, ensuring an early dissemination of results to institutions able to offer support in creating awareness and driving adoption of the application by as many SMEs as possible. These institutions, banks, corporates or universities, were targeted to also create momentum for the future collective development of the application, after the project is finalized.

The source code is published in Github and is available via the portal. The documentation is available on These dissemination elements are also accessible starting form Allevo website:

Furthermore, the project has been disseminated in a large number of market relevant publications and events, as per the communication and wide dissemination plan. Part of the 2021 series of events was facilitated by associations and IT clusters like: Magurele Science Park, Asociatia Trezorierilor din Romania, Transilvania IT Cluster.

Allevo is now looking for a partner to host the application and offer it as a service to SMEs.

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “SMEs Growth Romania”, operated by Innovation Norway.

Contact Allevo

Name:    Ioana Guiman

Position:     Managing Partner

Address:    Calea Vitan 23C, etaj 3, 031281

București, România


Contact Bakken & Bæck

Name:    Codruta Gamulea Berg

Position:     Business Development Lead

Address:    Trondheimsveien 135

0570 Oslo, Norway


About Allevo

SC Business Information Systems (Allevo) SRL is a provider that creates software solutions which help financial institutions of all types and sizes reduce the total cost of ownership and achieve interoperability along the supply chain.

About Bakken & Bæck

Bakken & Bæck is an ambitious digital product development studio with offices in Oslo, Bonn and Amsterdam. We partner with founders and companies to create new digital products and ventures. We help big companies act like small startups, and provide the expertise startups need to launch and scale their business.


Cuvinte cheie:  Allevo  Bakken & Bæck  Whizzer  


Allevo si Bakken & Bæck au finalizat proiectul Whizzer
Allevo si Bakken & Bæck au finalizat proiectul Whizzer
Allevo si Bakken & Bæck au finalizat proiectul Whizzer

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