Intracom Telecom, furnizor global de sisteme de telecomunicații și soluții, a anunțat astăzi lansarea noului echipament radio Point-to-MultiPoint (PtMP) MW, WiBAS™ micro-BS ce asigura conectivitate pentru mediul corporate și rezidențial. Compania va expune produsul său unic la standul 7B50, în sala 7, la MWC Barcelona, 25-28 februarie 2019.
Operatorii de telefonie mobilă și Internet Service Providers pot beneficia acum de noul echipament WiBAS ™micro-BS , o stație de bază PtMP MW (BS) de exterior care operează în banda de frecventa licentiata de 28 GHz. Echipamentul furnizează conectivitate IP de ultimă generație pentru rețelele de acces fix wireless (FWA) și se potrivește perfect nevoilor unui operator pentru instalarea spatii greu accesibile, ce nu permit instalarea de echipamentelor tipice, atat in locațiile de abonati rezidentiali, cat și corporate.
Folosind o antenă compactă omnidirecțională, WiBAS ™micro-BS ofera o arie mare de acoperire. putand fi instalat în centrul unei zone rurale pentru a deservi abonatii din zona Datorită mărimii reduse, WiBAS ™ micro-BS nu solicită infrastructuri de telecomunicații de mari dimensiuni pentru implementare. Acesta combină capacitățile sofisticate QoS cu o operare robustă și eficientă, fiind pe deplin compatibilă cu toate stațiile terminale WiBAS ™ disponibile. Este de remarcat faptul că statia radio WiBAS ™ micro-BS este construita pe baza celor mai avansate tehnologii disponibile pe piață. Ca si in cazul tuturor sistemelor radio inovatoare de tip MW, fabricatia acestui sistem radio va a avea loc în baza principală de producție a Intracom Telecom, Intrarom, in România.
John Tenidis, Director de Marketing Soluții Wireless Intracom Telecom, a comentat: "Ne-am angajat să îndeplinim orice cerință pentru broadband FWA de cea mai înaltă calitate în zonele rezidențiale suburbane și rurale, ne-am extins portofoliul radio (MW) cu o nouă generație de Sistem Point-to-MultiPoint, o statie compacta care oferă cea mai mare capacitate, confort, performanță și caracteristici de economisire a energiei de pe piață si care in acelasi timp se integreaza discret cu mediul înconjurător. Aceasta noua dezvltare de produs reafirma inovatia si leadership-ul companiei in domeniul sistemelor PtMP, permițând astăzi clienților noștri să ofere abonatilor lor calitate superioară și servicii ultra-broadband".
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About Intracom Telecom
Intracom Telecom is a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor operating for over 40 years in the market. The company has become the benchmark in fixed wireless access and it innovates in the 5G/4G wireless fronthaul, backhaul and small-cell SON backhaul international arena. Intracom Telecom offers a comprehensive portfolio of revenue-generating software solutions and a complete range of ICT services, focusing on IoT, SDN/NFV, Big Data analytics & data-driven intelligence, and Smart City solutions. The company also addresses the Energy & Utilities industry, emphasizing on smart metering and end-to-end IT solutions. Intracom Telecom maintains its own R&D and production facilities and invests significantly in developing cutting-edge products and integrated solutions. The company has extensive know-how and a proven track record in the market, serving more than 100 renowned customers in over 70 countries. Its subsidiaries span across Europe, Russia/CIS, the Middle East and Africa, Asia and North America. For more information please visit: .
Information for news editors
Angelika Kypraiou, PR & Digital Communications Manager, Intracom Telecom Group
tel. +30-210-667-1762, e-mail:
Alexandros Tarnaris, Marketing Communications Director, Intracom Telecom Group
tel. +30-210-667-7027, e-mail:
Magda Mischie, Communications Manager Intrarom, tel: +40212040960, e-mail:
Athens, Greece - 14 February 2019 - Intracom Telecom, a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor, announced today the introduction of its new Point-to-MultiPoint (PtMP) MW radio, WiBAS™ micro-BS for corporate and residential connectivity. The company will be displaying its uniquely featured product at its stand number 7B50, in hall 7, at MWC Barcelona, 25-28 February 2019.
Mobile operators and ISPs can now benefit from the new WiBAS™ micro-BS, an all-outdoor PtMP MW Base Station (BS) operating in the 28 GHz area-licensed band. This radio delivers state-of-the-art IP connectivity for Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) networks and perfectly suits the operator needs for zero-footprint installations at hard-to-reach home and business subscriber locations.
Coupled with a compact omnidirectional antenna, it can be installed at the center of a village to serve any demanding subscriber within a large area footprint. Due to its small size the WiBAS™ micro-BS is not demanding heavy telecom infrastructures for the deployment. It combines sophisticated QoS capabilities with the robust and highly-efficient operation, whilst it is fully compatible with all available WiBAS™ Terminal Stations. It is worth mentioning that the WiBAS™ micro-BS radio is built based on the most advanced technology available in the market.
John Tenidis, Marketing Director of Intracom Telecom's wireless solutions portfolio, commented: "Committed to our goals to fulfil any requirement for broadband FWA of the highest quality in sub-urban and rural residential areas, we further expanded our MW portfolio with a new generation of Point-to-MultiPoint radio, which offers the highest capacity, convenience, performance and power-saving features in the market from a compact Base Station, while blending discreetly with the surrounding environment. This development reaffirms company’s innovation and leadership in the PtMP systems while enabling our customers to offer their subscribers’ superior quality and ultra-broadband services today”.
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About Intracom Telecom
Intracom Telecom is a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor operating for over 40 years in the market. The company has become the benchmark in fixed wireless access and it innovates in the 5G/4G wireless fronthaul, backhaul and small-cell SON backhaul international arena. Intracom Telecom offers a comprehensive portfolio of revenue-generating software solutions and a complete range of ICT services, focusing on IoT, SDN/NFV, Big Data analytics & data-driven intelligence, and Smart City solutions. The company also addresses the Energy & Utilities industry, emphasizing on smart metering and end-to-end IT solutions. Intracom Telecom maintains its own R&D and production facilities and invests significantly in developing cutting-edge products and integrated solutions. The company has extensive know-how and a proven track record in the market, serving more than 100 renowned customers in over 70 countries. Its subsidiaries span across Europe, Russia/CIS, the Middle East and Africa, Asia and North America. For more information please visit: . Information for news editors
Angelika Kypraiou, PR & Digital Communications Manager, Intracom Telecom Group
tel. +30-210-667-1762, e-mail:
Alexandros Tarnaris, Marketing Communications Director, Intracom Telecom Group
tel. +30-210-667-7027, e-mail: