Maravela|Asociaţii, Romanian member of GGI

12 septembrie 2017, 01.38 - Afaceri   Avocatură  

Bucharest - 12 septembrie 2017 -

Starting with September, Maravela|Asociații is the Romanian independent member of GGI in Bucharest, one of the top ten international accounting, consulting and law firm alliances. 

GGI (Geneva Group International AG) is a global Alliance of independent professional firms that reunites experts around the world who are able to give advice on local regulations, compliance and go-to market strategies. GGI’s broad international presence opens up a gateway to the global marketplace, providing access to high quality firms in nearly every major financial and commercial centre worldwide.

Founded in 1995 by Claudio G. Cocca, co-partner of an Accounting and Tax Consulting Firm in Switzerland, GGI was initially an international alliance for tax consultants and accountants. As members urged the management of the alliance to accept law firms and consulting firms as members in order to handle more complex joint transactions, in 1997 GGI became a truly multidisciplinary alliance.

GGI currently counts 566 carefully selected members worldwide, in 123 countries, acting globally without losing their independence. 

“We are pleased to be part of a reputed international association that grants access for global companies to quality Romanian legal service. This facility applies whether you are looking for business opportunities beyond national boundaries, or need international support in addition to services in your home market. We have confidence in our new international affiliation with GGI and we are happy to be able to welcome new clients and bring added value to our existing portfolio, through quality referral options, at a global scale.” Gelu Maravela, Managing Partner of Maravela|Asociații

“We are pleased to welcome Maravela|Asociații as a new GGI member in Bucharest. The firm will strengthen the presence of our global alliance in the region and will provide an important reference for legal services to all the GGI members worldwide. We send our personal congratulations to all the partners and staff at Maravela|Asociații and we look forward to a long cooperation.” Marco Izzo, COO of GGI


More information about GGI can be accessed on the alliance’s official website at

More information about Maravela|Asociaţii’s team and services is available on the firm’s official website at

12 September 2017


Cuvinte cheie:  maravela si asociatii  member  GGI 

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