22 aprilie 2016, 08.55 - Social   Justiţie  

Bucharest - 22 aprilie 2016 -

‘The Hohenzollern Case File’ is Royalty Magazine Editor Marco Houston’s account of “the secret war within the Hohenzollern Family.” The editor’s personal experience over a decade is the starting point for a story of dynastic dispute, politics and high court crimes and misdemeanours, culminating with a series of revelations that will redefine royal history.

The story begins with Prince Radu of Romania suing the editor and publishers of Royalty Magazine for libel in early 2005. But the events over the ensuing years had little to do with libel and were, instead, the crucible in which the future of the Hohenzollern Family was decided.

Telling for the first time the inside story of the events that ultimately led to King Michael of Romania severing all ties with the House of Hohenzollern in 2011, ‘The Hohenzollern Case File’ is a defining moment in contemporary royal publishing.

*The truth behind the historic split within the Hohenzollern Family and the battle for the Romanian throne.

*Previously unseen correspondence between Prince Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, King Michael of Romania, Prince Karl von Hohenzollern and Prince Paul.

*The author’s investigations to uncover documents which shed new light on royal history.

*Legal revelations - from “libel litigation to perversion of the course of justice and crime scene investigation.”


Marco Houston


tel: 44 2082019978


Cuvinte cheie:  Family  Hohenzollern  King Michael  Romania dispute 



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